What do you want?

For the past 2/3 weeks now, I have been posting up an ‘Accountability Form’, in our private Facebook page

People come back with all kinds of things, on what they want to work on

but my response is nearly always the same to everyone, and its very important

What ever you do want to achieve ( weight loss etc ), you have to have a reason why, you want to achieve that outcome

Too many people never really know why they want to achieve something

When you have a big enough reason on why you want to achieve something, then you will have a lot more motivation towards it

So, my 2 tips for you this morning are, 1. Get really clear on what you want. 2. Get really clear on why you want it

( its all explained in the video )

Paul ‘Mr Motivator’ Coshott

PS – If your ready to join my Women Only Transformation program, then just click here and fill out the short application form, and I’ll be in touch: http://www.coshottfitness.com/women-only-application-thanks/