“I’ve burned 600 calories in this class”

Did you know, that the average Women who attends my Boxercise sessions, burns about 600 calories within the session. That’s a hell of a lot of calories. 
I know this statistic, as so many of them are wearing Fitbits and other things now in the class. 
Now, 600 calories is actually more than a Bigmac, and almost is much as Fish and Chips out the chip shop.

So, basically when you attend one of my classes and put in the effort, your losing a big meal 
Calories in a 1lb of Fat

Surfing on the net, a lot of pages claim that 1lb of fat equals 3500 calories. So, if you attend 4 sessions a week, you’ll potentially lose 1lb of fat. 
Remember, losing 1lb of fat is a lot different than losing just 1lb. I always try and get people to focus on losing fat rather than just weight. 
Another theory that I’ve collected over the years, is that a lot of Women lose about 2lb a week, for the first couple of weeks of attending the sessions 
What goals do you have? 

Have you set yourself any goals over the coming weeks, and is weight loss one of them? There’s so much evidence from my classes now that can be seen on either my You tube or Facebook pages, of what can be achieved from my classes, and if weight loss is something that you do want to achieve, then the classes will definitely help 
New Class Timetable 

As from Monday 5th June, extra Boxercise classes will be on of a Tuesday evening 7.30pm and Wednesday evening 8pm  
Check out the video connected to this message, to see one of the drill we have been working on recently in the class
Paul 🙂 

