“I’ve lost 2 stone in 3 months “

“In the first 3 months I lost 2 stone. These sessions have really improved my mental health”

Check out this video interview I did with one of my clients, Becky, over the weekend. Becky has now been attending my Boxercise and weight training classes for 6 months now

Before Becky started attending my sessions, she was going through a really tough period

“I was quite depressed and inactive. This had been going on for about 20 years”
After seeing some of my videos, Becky wanted to book in for the Free Week trial

“I found the girls really supportive in the class and they’ve all got their own stories to tell. I thought it was something definitely worth pursuing”

Becky then signed up to one of the Boxercise programs

“In the first 3 months of attending, I’d lost 2 stone”

Becky then started doing the weights as well with me

“Since starting the weights, I’ve definitely got a lot stronger and I’ve lost inches. In total, I’ve now gone from a size 22 to a 14”

“The best result I’ve had from the classes is the support. It’s really improved my mental health too”
If you are interested in achieving results similar to Becky, then get in touch, before it’s too late

Paul 🙂