Summer is coming 

Things are beginning to hot up
When I finished training on Saturday night ( 7pm ), I could hear the birds still tweeting and the temperature was up
Summer is on its way. But, my question for you is this……
What are you going to do about it? 
I’ve spoken about this before
When the weather warm arrives 
People can’t hide their bodies under their winter clothes anymore 
Not unless they want to offend people with their scent ( B O ) ( sorry, just stating the truth ) 
And for most people, their more motivated to do something about it NOW….
Then they were back in January 
Almost 100 enquries this year

I’ve almost had 100 enquiries, this year, regarding my Boxercise classes. 
Do you know why? 
Because my formula is now proven 
It is now the most popular and sort after Boxercise class in Liverpool. I even get more enquiries from people outside the city now, wanting to travel to the classes
How would you like to look and Feel over the Summer?
Will you be wearing baggy clothes over the Summer, or are you already planning to get nicer, fitted clothes, and being comfortable in the sunshine? 
Dropping one to two dress sizes before the Summer can certainly make a massive difference
So, what are you going to do about it? 
Are you really serious about wanting to lose weight and feel more confident again? 
Do you want to ditch the baggy clothes and start enjoying your social life again? 
If so, then get in touch with me today and let me help you
Before its too late
PS – I’ve got some great client success stories coming up this week 
Paul 🙂