When I worked with Autistic kids

Years ago, when business was in the doldrums ( severley ), I ended up doing care work on a part time basis. 
I’d done quite a few shifts in a mental secure unit, and now I was about to do extra shifts at a residential kids home, for Autistic kids. This was something completely new to me and different. I’d not come across autism before and didn’t know anything about it. The first shift I was about to do was a night shift. 
It wasn’t something that I wanted to do, but I needed the doe, so I took the shift. 
It started off all very well. I was in the staff room just chilling, until about 12am. Haha, that’s when the shift really started. One poor kid wasn’t sleeping, he was very restless. Then, maybe around about 12.30am he came out on the landing, and was covered head to toe in poo. Haha, I couldn’t believe it. He had smeared it all over his room. It was a real sight. He didn’t want to be touched, so me and another staff member had to wrestle with him, and try and get him into the shower. It was unbelievable. Eventually, we got him clean. We then had to basically scrub his room down and change the bed. 
I later learnt that the poor kid was possibly in some kind of stress, to have done what he did. 
That more or less set the tone for the rest of the night. Two other kids, twins, both got up and wanted a bath. Haha. this was about 3am, but obviously wasn’t the time for them to have a bath, so I spent ages trying to communicate with them and explaining that it wasn’t bath time. So this was a new experience for me, trying to communicate with autistic kids. 
Another kid then got up and wanted me to take him down stairs into the lounge and watch Toy Story. Haha, again, he needed to be in bed, asleep, as all the kids had school the next day. 
Then, the kid who had smeared earlier, was up again, and needed his pad changing. 
Once 7am come around, all the kids had to be up, and needed to have breakfast and baths, before going to school. 
The shift finished at 8am. It had been horrendous really, none stop. I would go on to do a lot more shifts with kids with Autism. 

I don’t know the ins and outs of Autism, but I know that there are different levels of it, and it can be severley challenging. Some parents are in tremendous situations with autistic kids. It must be heartbreaking, but then there must be some great moments too. Autistic kids can be very creative. 

One kid I used to come across, only about 7 or 8, could easily dismantle something electrical, and then put it together. He was an absolute genius when it came to electrics 
What I learn’t during those shifts  

All of us can be in vulnerable situations at times and needing help, and certainly there’s people around us that need help too. Whether that’s with autism, a mental or physical disability, depression, an addiction, motivation, confidence etc. Before I studied NLP and became a Life Coach, I’d had about 12 months of physotherapy, working on an issue that popped up for me ( long story ). So, for me, its pretty easy to reach out to someone, if I need help with something, as I’ve done it before, but I know, for a lot of people, it’s not that easy.  
Can I help you today?

Certainly, when it comes to weight loss, fitness and building someone’s confidence up, I have all the experience and know how, on how to achieve those things. If you are feeling vulnerable, emotionally, and your self esteem is suffering, then please get in touch with me. My classes now specialise in helping women get fitter, slimmer, and feeling more confident, within a 12 week period.

Otherwise, if you require any help or direction with anything else, then please get in touch, today.   

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Paul 🙂

