15 reasons why you will lose weight before Xmas

Morning {!firstname_fix}
Here’s a quick message for you this morning, ’15 Reasons why you WILL lose weight this year’. 

Hope it helps 🙂
1. Swap a cardio workout for a weight training session.:

You will burn more calories doing a weight training session, plus, muscle is more metabolically active than fat
2. Have you booked a FREE WEEK of sessions with me, or anyone else? Groupon, Wowcha etc?

Now is the time to cash in on it
3. Eat a Vegetable with every meal:

Eating fibrous veg and more fiber, will help keep you feeling fuller for longer
4. Leave soda and any other sugary drinks on the shelf and drink more water
5. Try and get about 7 hours sleep a night 
6. Think about what you are grateful for. This can help put you in a positive frame of mind
7. Use your favoured music to help motivate you or keep you active
8. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Also enjoy your meals 
9. Replace ‘Tomorrow’ with ‘Right Now’
10. Try a different activity at least once every month 
11. Sign up to a walk, run or physical challenge and find a friend to do it with you
12. Drink a big glass of water Right Now. ( your probably a bit dehydrated) 
13. Eat breakfast and have some protein with it, ie Eggs. If you can’t eat of a morning, try and have a protein drink ( check the sugar content ) 
14. Remind yourself that good health is more than just a number on the scale.
15. Do your best and don’y beat yourself up if it whatever doesn’t go to plan
Lose 1-2 stone before Christmas 

If you are interested in joining my new, 12 week, weight training and Boxercise program, “Lose 1-2 stone before Christmas”, then please contact me asap, as this program is almost full. The program starts on Monday 3rd December, which is exactly 12 weeks to Christmas
Hope my tips help this morning 

#personaltrainerliverpool #liverpoolpersonaltrainer #boxerciseliverpool

Paul 🙂