[video] do you compare yourself to others?

Do you remind yourself how great you have been recently? 

Can you write down 5 wins from yesterday, or each day? 

Do you record your successes? 

Do you compare yourself to others?

I know over the past few months, I’ve achieved some great things, and so have my clients.

When we had the residential training weekend away, I know some people did some incredible things, that really gave them a boost.

It does feel great when we achieve something, and that’s when we feel our best 

But what happens is, these feelings can be short lived 

Other things happen in our lives, that can quickly dilute those feelings, and all of a sudden, our confidence, motivation and esteem have been dented

It’s important that we take time to appreciate what we have achieved and done in our lives, otherwise we are entrenched in failure 

So here’s 5 quick tips that I hope can help you, record your recent achievements 

Get a notebook or maybe make notes on your phone, and record your 5 wind each day. I.e. Went the gym, had no caffeine, said hi to 5 people 

Write down your goals for this month, or for the rest of the year. This helps to give you focus 

Write down your achievements for the week, month etc. I.e. Anything you’ve tried for the first time, any progress in a particular area etc

Celebrate your achievements. Have a meal out, buy yourself something etc. This will encourage you towards future growth 

Review the year 

Hope the video and the tips help

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Paul 🙂