Feeling anxious 

As you may know, I’ve been going Brazilian jiu Jitsu for almost 3 years now ( ground wrestling )
I have a private lesson in it, once a week
Sometimes I will go off and do another class in it, at another club
I’ve got to say, it’s tough and it can get really rough
Yesterday, I did that
I’ve set myself a goal of doing 10 classes between now and the end of the year
From previous experience, the class that I went to, I’ve almost been battered in it. It’s hard
Before I went to it, I was getting a bit anxious 
This was beginning to build a bit, and I started dithering about going to the class
Until I put a mental stop to it 
I went the class and had a good time
In fact, it reminded me of how far I’ve come with it
I had a feeling of achievement and now want to go back again this week 
Want to know what I did to help me get to the class?
If so, click on the link here, and register for my free online training seminar this Sunday, 7pm, where I will show you how to drop a dress size and become more confident, just in time for Christmas 


Paul ‘tough’ Coshott

