Quarterly check in 

Can you believe it, next Friday, 31st March, is the first quarter of the year – GONE
It goes so fast 
Over the past couple of days, I’ve been thinking, what have I actually done over this period
Goals I set myself – first 90 days of year 

1. To earn xxxxx, and not work away of a Sunday. Wont know until the end of this month, but think I’ll achieve it, + I’ve not worked away once this year, which is massive 

2. 3rd Dan in Ju JItsu. I knew after the first couple of training sessions, that I wouldn’t be ready for it. I’ve continued to train, but have now put the exam back until October

3. 4th tab in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. Wont know until Thursday, but I’ve still continued to train

4. Steps towards my Black sash in Kung Fu. Only missed 3 sessions this year and on course to do the exam this year

5. Renewed my passport 
There are things I haven’t done, but I think I’ve done pretty well so far. 
Have you set yourself any goals this year? What have or haven’t you done so far? 
When it comes to setting goals, the 2 main things are as follows: 
1. Write them down. Write down what it is you want to achieve. Create a plan of how and when you are going to achieve them. Look at this plan every day 
2. Be Accountable. You have to be accountable to someone – on a regular basis. Its no good saying to someone “I’m going to lose 2 stone in 2 months” and then that’s it. You have to report to them on regular basis and let them know whereabouts you are. I’ve had to do it with my martial arts classes
Remember – If anyone is going to let you off with things, its you. If anyone is going to lie about what you have and haven’t done, its you. You have to be accountable to someone 
Need help? 
Contact me before its too late 
Paul 🙂

